We were treated like trash, but we are little treasures.

Update 2: Aqua was adopted on August 24th!

Update: Tsunami was adopted on August 21st!

During a blazing hot day in June, one of our volunteers came upon a plastic tub in a parking lot.

Sure enough, there were angels inside, in heat distress, and violently ill with the deadly parvo virus.

We rushed the two baby girls into emergency medical care at a veterinary clinic. They were cooled down and hooked up to IV fluids for dehydration.

After extensive treatment, both girls made a valiant, full recovery.

We named them Aqua and Tsunami, and they are playful, comical puppies, Heinz 57 with Retriever, both spayed and about 3 months of age.

Please carefully puppy-proof your home and yard for their safety and protection.

Aqua and Tsunami can be adopted separately, but especially since they have been through so much together we hope you will consider adopting them together for lifelong love and companionship. The girls debut for adoption today.

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