Baby Mackey triumphantly debuts for adoption today!

Baby Mackey, debuting for adoption on June 28

Baby Mackey, in April, being bottle-fed by Zak Bagans, host & star of Ghost Adventures.
We rescued Baby Mackey from another shelter.  He was just two weeks old, without a mother, and in dire need of nurturing care.

We placed him in a very loving foster home and his foster mom worked tirelessly to save him, feeding him by bottle every few hours.

During his foster care, Baby Mackey was socialized with cats, dogs, and rabbits (and sugar gliders and a pot belly pig).  His foster mom says he loves stealing shoes, playing in the water, and snuggling in your arms to give you puppy kisses.

Baby Mackey is now 3 months of age, neutered, and debuting for adoption today at Nevada SPCA.  Please puppy-proof your home and yard for his safety.

He is a super cute blend of many breeds, including Retriever, and expected to grow to medium or large size.  His blue eye, his left eye, may have diminished vision.

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