Help me become more of an angel.

Update: Gingerbread Robin was adopted on January 22nd!

Gingerbread Robin has a heavenly face and this baby girl has incredible potential.

But she is very picky about who she likes, full of adoration and kisses for those she loves and full of venom for others.  Because she is surprisingly feisty, perhaps due to lack of socialization, she requires a very experienced adult-only home.  The progress with people she is making with us needs to continue with her new owner.

Gingerbread Robin is a Shih-Tzu mix, spayed, about 5 months of age, debuting for adoption today.

Please plan on regular grooming care and find a groomer who understands (and is cautious about) her animosity with strangers who frighten or alarm her.

She delights in bouncing around and playing with other dogs.  We think she may do best in a home with another dog (or dogs) to help her adjust and improve her socialization.

Please be sure to ask for Gingerbread Robin by name at our front desk if you would like to meet her, as she is not in the general Adoptions kennels.

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