Soul-mates Duke & Daisy need to stay together forever.

These friendly, gorgeous Weimaraners are not related by blood, but their exceptionally strong bond is beautiful and powerful.

Daisy, on the right, screamed for her soul-mate when they were just briefly separated for Duke's veterinary check-up. She enjoys letting him lead the way to make sure everything is safe for her.

We rescued Duke & Daisy from euthanasia at another shelter. As you know, like the vast majority of animals surrendered to shelters and rescues, the animals are completely innocent and did nothing to deserve having their lives put at risk.

Duke & Daisy are 4-6 years of age. Please come meet and adopt them today. Weimaraner knowledge and/or experience is required, as well as a full commitment to basic dog obedience training. Please also remember they are partners for life, never to be separated.

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